April 30, 2020 • Business

Your Next Move for Business Survival

Your Next Move for Business Survival

These are indeed strange times. Wherever you are in the world, I hope you are staying safe and healthy. I am trying to adjust to the new normal. However, there are some really stressful days. Stay-at-home activities are becoming limited, but staying at home is the safest thing to do.

As the world is going through a global pandemic, small businesses who once opened their doors to their community and loyal customers, had to temporarily close down until it's safe to reopen to the public.

Businesses that relied heavily on in-person services have taken the hardest hit. Contractors, hairstylists, private tutors, tour operators, chefs, dive instructors, real estate, landscapers, zumba instructors - just to name a few.

But how can you keep your service-based business running?

It takes a little thinking outside of the box but it can work. Despite the current situation, your services are important to your customers, and you need to survive. Your customers are craving your expertise even if they can’t come to your restaurant, gym, bakery, hotel, hair salon or barbershop. This crisis may have reduced a large percentage of your overhead, but you need to raise revenue, so the question is “what’s the next move?”

The move is online!

Taking your business online is your next strategic move. Here are a few suggestions on how to do just that:

1. Provide One-to-one Online Consultation

While you can’t be there physically, you can teach them how to do something themself and answer any questions they may have during the process. Schedule a video call with your customer and use your knowledge and skills to consult them. This also provides the opportunity to understand your customer more and create a closer connection.

Here are some inspirations:

2. Host Live Training for Groups

Host live, interactive, virtual training sessions with clients.

Check out these ideas and get inspired:

3. Create an Online Course

By teaching your topic, you are leaving no shadow of a doubt that you know what you’re talking about, you’re good at what you do, and that you are an expert in your field.

Check these ideas and get inspired:

These are some serious times, however, your business needs to adjust. By taking the time now to set up your business online it will not only help keep your lights on, but it will also help you set yourself up for the future as our economy becomes increasingly more digital.

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