Let’s walk through options for growing and expanding your business through technology
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While global industries have been rapidly advancing in technology over the years, the Caribbean has largely lagged behind. As a result, for many businesses, the advent of COVID-19 has forced drastic changes to the way we operate.
Many doors have been forced shut and other companies have had to seriously consider moving parts of, or their entire business operation online. That transition may seem daunting, but I assure you, for the survival of your business, this is the right move.
To take those crucial steps, you’ll need to take careful consideration of several factors including security, technical support, hardware and software requirements, user interfaces, and so many others. Needless to say, it can get very technical, very fast and let’s face it, for many this is a whole new world.
While your management team or board of directors may be filled with years of business acumen and sales experience, few possess the expertise in digital solutions to deeply consider what’s possible, what’s available and how best to prepare for and successfully navigate this new era. That’s why I’m here.
I love technology. I spend my free time building tools that help business with operations and for the past decade, I’ve been able to help several companies implement technology to improve operations, increase efficiency, reduce overheads, you name it.
Strategy is critical right now. Whether or not your company thrives, survives or dies in the next few years depends on the decisions you make today. As your digital strategy advisor, we’ll start securing the future of your business, today.
Clevon is an insightful and highly skilled technologist who has transformed our business onto a modern and adaptable online platform. Our tourism destination tracking system has exceeded all our expectations and has been developed with the future in mind allowing us to modernise and keep up with technological developments and the needs of our clients.
Kevin Millington — Director, Acorn T-Stats Limited, United Kingdom.
Think of me as:
A sounding board and strategic advisor for your tech implementation ideas, I will enhance your team’s ability to critically appraise and develop new plans for using and adopting digital tools.
Whether to add a new perspective to your current I.T. department or as a trusted guide to think through your options, I offer a new pair of eyes and a depth of expertise to help guide your next digital project.
Most teams I’ve worked with already have a vision of where they want to take their company. Taking the right steps to get there, is often the sticking point. I bring years of insight and experience to help navigate your company’s digital journey. You can build your strengths by leveraging mine.
Clevon is indeed a Gem. I was happy when our paths crossed. He is just so honest, open, knowledgeable and quite competent in his field of Technology. When I was looking for a person whom I felt comfortable with to assist me with my business technology solutions, Clevon fitted the role perfectly. I truly appreciated the fact that he was able to simplify the process and assist me with a clear direction for my business.
Your company’s leadership is expected to ensure the company's prosperity, direct affairs and meet the interests of its shareholders and stakeholders. Expect the same from me
To support your decision-making, expect clear and candid advice on:
Ultimately, my goal is to support your company’s vision for success. With competence, insight, and effectiveness, we’ll outline the steps to take your company from wherever you are today to where you need to be.
This is a free 30-minute session for first-time customers.
We’ll examine your business and talk through the possibilities for moving your company forward.
Easily build your board or department’s capacity. Choose a 6-Month or Full-year subscription to level up your organization. Let's start working on the future of your company, today.
The Future is now.
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